Wandering and Elopement for Senior Care Providers

Training & eTracking Solutions
1 Hours
Grade/Passing Grade:
(For instructions on navigating your training, scroll down. To download the full User Guide, click here.)

Course Description

Sixty percent of people with Alzheimer’s disease wander. Sixty percent. And that statistic only applies to people with Alzheimer’s disease. How does that statistic translate to your facility? Wandering is a huge cause of concern for caregivers, especially caregivers who work with people with cognitive issues. In this training course, you will learn about wandering and elopement, including the warning signs to look for and ways to prevent these behaviors. We will discuss the differences between these two behaviors and talk about what you should do if a resident wanders around the facility or, worse, leaves the facility unsupervised.

By the end of this training course, you will be able to:

  • Define wandering and elopement and understand the difference between the two
  • Identify the causes of elopement
  • Explain how to prepare for possible elopement
  • Discuss how to prevent elopement and
  • Describe what to do in the case of elopement and
  • Understand what is required by Florida law

Navigating the Training

Step 1:

Take your Pre-Test first. Click the Pre-Test link as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 2:

Once you've finished your Pre-Test, you'll see a green checkmark next to it. Next, click on the Presentation link as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 3:

Once you've finished the Presentation, you'll see the green checkmark next to it. Next, click on the Post-Test link and then click the link that says "Go To Quiz" shown in the screenshot below.

Step 4:

Once you've received an 80% on your Post-Test, you're almost done! The last thing you need to do is print your certificate. Click the Certificates and Reports tab (shown in the screenshot below) to view your transcript and print your certificate.

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